There were no winners

Who were you to make a competition out of her? I loved her equally… I needed and wanted her more… You got to keep her.. But there were no winners.. You lost her love.. I lost her touch.. She lost herself. There were no winners.

My bestfriend is gone..

The tears I hide.. The friend I lost. You are there, but you are gone. I see, I feel you, but what you were made of inside, is gone. I hear the words that it’s not true, but my heart now knows it is. Where understanding and patience lived, resentment and coldness have moved in. … More My bestfriend is gone..

You forgot….

Did you forget the promises you made? That I would come before all. Number one, never second place. You would love me more then all the rest. You would nurture, care, protect. How did you forget? How did you let me fall apart? How did I stop being the one you loved the most? You … More You forgot….